ONLINE LIVE HYPNOTHERAPY DIPLOMA TRAINING COURSE Held At the University Of Surrey The Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy is not part of The University of Surrey. The SCCP is fortunate enough to be able to hire training facilities at the University of Surrey to run therapy courses.
For years we have received enquiries from prospective students, therapists and counsellors from different parts of the world who wish to gain the skills of the combined eclectic approaches taught at the Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy (SCCP) who were unable to travel to Surrey.
I wanted to study with the SCCP but I live in Dubai. No traveling or hotels,
I can study in the comfort of my own home but feel I am in the class practising with the other students. This was the course that I was looking for.
Now you don't have to, we can bring our unique approach to you. Wherever you are in the world, you can join the SCCP community of therapists who are keen to use the latest techniques to help their clients and build their practices.
The SCCP began this new direction in training to meet the demand for prospective students unable to attend our Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma Course because of the restraints of time, or travel.
Please accept that there are benefits to being online and benefits to being in the room.
When questions are asked online, those in the room will not here the question being asked. If a questions is asked in the room, the question will not be heard online. The trainer will be wearing a headset, The questions when relevant, will be repeated by the trainer, so all will hear the question being asked, and answered.
The Online Advanced Diploma In Clinical Hypnotherapy training course offers me the same professional quality training as
the attended training with governing body accreditation, and I can work with the attending students in the room on line.
Congratulations You Have Chosen
The Advanced Diploma Course In Clinical Hypnotherapy
On Completion You Will Have Eight Qualifications.
Seven from the SCCP and the HPD from the NCFE.
1) Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy (ADCH)
2) NLP Practitioners Certificate (NLP Cert)
3) EMDR Plus Practitioners Certificate (EMDR Plus Cert)
4) EFT Level 1 & EFT Level 2 Practitioner Certificate (EFT Practitioner)
5) Solution Focused Certificate Therapist (SFT Cert)
6) Positive Psychology Certificate
7) Transformational Therapist
8) The Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma, HPD.
HPD, The Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma, by satisfactorily completing the learning outcomes throughout the course, or on completion of the course, your choice, and completing 120 hours attended training, you can now gain your HPD.
The SCCP also offer further support with marketing and practice building, website building & SEO when you join the BEST.
The SCCP offer peace of mind.
Introduction To Hypnotherapy Weekend
January 24th & 25th 2024
Solution Focused Positive Psychology Therapy
In Search of Happiness
Weekend Syllabus
1) Positive Psychology
2) Solution Focused Therapy
3) Mindfulness
4) If we become what we think?
5) Why not teach ourselves and the client to focus on and work
toward the solution
6) The New Approach To Life Coaching
February 22nd & 23rd 2025
Understanding And Working With The Symptoms Of Depression.
How Can Hypnotherapy Help the client?
What are the causes of depression
Who might be more vulnerable & how can we help.
Why are the symptoms maintained and how can we help the client.
Interventions that can help improve energy levels.
Interventions that can reduce anxiety & over stimulation.
Adjusting the polarised views which can lead to a sense of failure & worthlessness
Helping clients regain hope for the future.
The Golden Approach to change.
Improving Self esteem and sense of self worth.
Building back in self belief.
Understanding the advantages and the limitations to therapy.
March 22nd & 23rd 2025
The Basic Recipe & Short-cut Recipes
Additional Tapping Points
More Creative Ways to Use EFT
Working with an Unpleasant Memory
Gentleness through Dissociation
Physical Issues & Chasing the Pain
Psychological Reversal
Testing your Results
EFT by Telephone & Zoom
Reminder of Safety for Self & Client
How to Achieve your Practitioner Certificate
April 26th & 27th 2025
EMDR Plus Second Weekend.
Recap The Basic Recipe & Short-cut Recipes
NLP & CBT Additions
Additional Tapping Points
More Creative Ways to Use EFT
The Trauma Techniques: Telling the Story; Movie Technique; Tearless Trauma
Gentleness through Dissociation
Physical Issues & Chasing the Pain
Constricted Breathing Technique
Finding Core Issues, Specific Events & Aspects
Asking Key Questions
Advanced Psychological Reversal
Limiting Beliefs & The Palace of Possibilities
Group work & Borrowing Benefits
An Introduction to Surrogate Tapping
An Introduction to Working with Children & Animals
EFT by Telephone & Zoom
Reminder of Safety for Self & Client
Legal & Ethical Implications
How to Achieve your Practitioner Certificate
May 17th & 18th 2025
The SCCP Lightening Transformation Process
Reduce Anxiety Improve Confidence & Self Esteem
1) Indirect hypnotic induction techniques & covert ways to induce trance.
2) How to Influence your client with advanced communication skills.
3) Trance inductions, how we move clients into trance, enhancing the natural learning states to confidence & self esteem.
4) How to identify & enhance everyday natural trance states to change and improvement, helping your client to feel good about them selves.
5) Transformational Process Development - Developed by James Golding with forty years clinical experience. Do you feel that your mind and or body are controlling you? This simple approach will allow you to manage yourself and put you back in control.
6) As brain extensions, our eyes reveal our emotional state being accessed. We can hear what others say and now we can see how they feel and the context being processed. With this amazing understanding we can help the client to feel good about themselves.
7) Psychological profiles that predict stress responses & addictive natures, how we can change these to a healthier way of being with ourselves and those around us.
8) Hidden hypnotic language patterns that heal.
9) Utilising every day trance states to transform, heal & improve.
10) Influencing future behaviour via covert suggestions, helping clients to feel good about themselves.
11) How to apply these techniques after the weekend including pain management & anesthesia.
These are evidence based techniques, used in the clinical practice daily.
June 21st & 22nd 2025
Rapid Solution Therapy, RST
Weekends Syllabus
1) The Structure of the therapeutic appointment.
2) Time Line Therapy
3) Moving through the problem, to the solution
4) Milton Erickson's approach to learning from the future.
5) The vicarious approach to learning from others skills and
6) Creating a different reality for the client to respond to, TLT
7) Understanding & utilising hypnotic language to weave indirect
suggestions into every day conversation.
8) The thirteen hypnoidal phenomena that can be utilised to
facilitate change in your client
9) The psychological maturing states that predict the way that
we interpret our world.
July 26th & 27th 2025
Lightening Transformation Therapy -And Neuro Linguistic
Weekends Syllabus
1) Utilising suggestibility tests to improve understanding of the
power of the unconscious mind.
2) Adjusting the perceptions of previous experiences, to facilitate
rapid lasting change.
3) Permissive or authoritarian Inductions and Suggestions.
4) The Milton Erickson model and NLP.
5) Introducing Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP
Outcome Planning
Elements of NLP
Precise Communication
The Meta Model
The NLP Communication Model
VATK Aids To Learning
Calibrating The Client
Representational Systems.
6) Anchoring
7) Swish
8) The Rewind technique
September 13th & 14th 2025
NLP Meets Positive Psychology
Reasons To Be Grateful
Weekends Syllabus
1) NLP Predicates
2) NLP Transformational Grammar
3) NLP The Meta Model
4) NLP Chunking Up And Down
5) NLP Complex Equivalence
6) NLP Presuppositions
7) NLP Universal Quantifiers
8) NLP Submodalities
9) Patio Stones
10) Stepping Into Gratitude
11) The Power Of Gratitude
12) Developing Behavioural Flexibility
13) Fast Phobia Cure
14) Rewind Technique Dissociated State
15) Rewinding The Fast Phobia Cure
16) Positive Anxiety Replacement
17) Questions That Facilitate Change
18) Reframing in Trance
October 04th & 05th 2025
Hypnotherapy Motivates Change Gestalt & Parts Therapy
Weekends Syllabus
1) Inner Child Therapy - How To Heal The Inner Child.
2) Understanding the clients level of motivation, by listening
the motivational level of conversation.
3) The quickest way to understand your client & raise their level
of motivation.
4) Utilising the clients gained skills and resources to develop a
constructive future view and behavioural response.
5) Calibrating your client, to understand the unconscious
5) The Gestalt model.
6) Taking a case history, developing a client program and agenda.
7) Identifying patterns of behaviour that have developed the
8) Ericksonian Inductions and language patterns.
9) Build self esteem & confidence.
10) Polarity Approach to Apposition of opposites
11) The clients personality profile.
12) Polarity dissociation
13) Dissociation
14) Parts Integration
15) Parts Therapy, "The part of me that"
November 1st & 2nd 2025
Working With The Habitual Mind
Weekend Syllabus
1) Smoking Cessation.
2 ) Weight Loss
3) Alcohol Dependency
4) Emotional eating
5) Substance Abuse
6) Behavioural Habits
7) The use and requirement for Metaphors.
8) Utilising Milton Erickson's paradoxical interventions.
9) Ideo motor techniques for communication with the
unconscious mind.
10) Utilising Sub Modalities for pain control
To read more about working with habits please go to
We Offer Ongoing Support
To Help You
Build Your Practice
You Can Graduate With Eight Qualifications
This Is The Most Comprehensive Live
Hypnotherapy Training Course
Available Today
Course Fees Can Be Paid In Full or Monthly This Course Offers Tremendous Value For Money You will Not Find Another Course With These Credentials, Qualifications And Quality Assurance With This Value For Money
Fees Payed In Full
Total Course Fees
Monthly Payment
Total Course Fees
Please scroll down for details
Introduction To Hypnotherapy Weekend
We Only Want To Work With People That Are Happy With Our Course.
With this in mind you are encouraged to attend the first weekend of the course for £235, without obligation to complete the course.
You can then decide whether this is the course for you and chose the form of payment that suits you
1. Fees are required three weeks prior to the course weekend.
2, Introduction Weekend £235
3. Balance £1965.
4. Making a total of £2,200
5. Course fees are not refundable or transferable.
6. Please read terms & conditions, they are very short. By attending this course you are agreeing to the SCCP terms & conditions without exception.
7. We have kept it simple.
This Is The Best Value For Money Course In The UK
National Council of Hypnotherapy
The NCH is the UK’s leading not-for-profit hypnotherapy professional association, representing over 1800 professional hypnotherapists. All NCH practising members are fully insured and trained to the highest standards, so you can choose a hypnotherapist with confidence. The SCCP is a founder member of The NCH actively promoting the HPD. To date all HPD presented portfolios have gained accreditation with distinction.
Approved training, accredited by The International Hypnotherapy Association, IHA. The Hypnotherapy Association is a non-profit making organisation and is a leading independent international professional body, representing approved hypnotherapists in active practice.
The NSPsy is an international register for counsellors, hypnotherapists & psychotherapists.
The NSPsy accredit the Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy courses & validate all SCCP training.
Please go to our Accreditation page to read more
Want to discuss the course?
Tel: 01932 341055