THE SCIENCE OF HAPPINESS Solution Focused Positive Psychology December 06th & 07th 2025
Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive.
Positive psychology has developed from the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, life, work and play.
Why have positive psychology on a hypnotherapy course?
Good Point!

Why Wouldn't We?
This is a therapy course?
Hypnosis is a vehicle of change that is easily learned, however it is what the therapist does and says whilst the client is in hypnosis, therapy, that will help your clients change and bring you referrals, your clients change will help you build your practice.
OK, but why Positive Psychology?
Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The approach is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, life and play; to develop grit and resilience.
OK but:
Won't my clients want to address fears, phobia's, anxiety, depression and addictions?
Yes they will, and so much more!
And you will need to comprehensively address these issues however, you will need to understand where you are taking your client to, not just where you are leading your client from.
Positive Psychology will help you build grit and resilience into your client, this will support your client away from irrational destructive thoughts and forces of life in the future.
Your client wants to move away from depression, habits and anxiety, whilst learning to be robust and genuinely happy.
Your clients will be able to look forward to a resilient future.
Why Would we?
Perhaps we should remain with the same old format and just teach hypnosis, we could continue to include:
The history of hypnosis.
Individual protagonists theories.
Inductions deepeners from the late 1800's and early 1900's that we no longer use.
We could spend time teaching you fast inductions which might impress you but you would not use them for fear of interrupting the therapeutic alliance.
This would leave less time to address the approaches that will help clients change?
Hypnosis is a relatively easy subject to understand and implement, it will be the therapy that will help people change.
Your therapeutic results will help you be successful, and develop a practice that will support you financially.
We have taken everything out of this course that we do not use in the contemporary clinical practice.
Your future clients will not be interested in your essays, what Sigmund Freud thought of hypnosis in the early 1900's and how quick you can hypnotise people.
There is a lot on the internet at the moment regarding hypnotising clients in seconds. If you want to lose rapport and teach your client not to trust you, there is much to learn from this approach.
Knowing where You Are Going Is A Good Place To Start
Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy
Traditional therapy has historically been problem-focused. It has analysed a person’s problems from where they started and how those problems have an effect on that person’s life in the present.
We explore this traditional approach and practise the techniques and applications throughout the course.
However, Solution-Focused Therapy, SFT, is a type of treatment that highlights a client’s ability to solve problems, rather than why or how the problem was created. It was developed over some time after observations of therapists in a mental health facility in Wisconsin by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg and their colleagues.
Like Positive Psychology, Solution Focused Therapy (SFT) practitioners initiate questions that focus on the clients aim, to assist a client in moving into a future-oriented direction. (Milton Erickson)
Understanding where the client wants to be is an important technique in SFT. A therapist will need to guide a client to the required future without the issue being addressed. Using coaching and positive questioning skills, this vision becomes clarified with hypnotherapy.
The approach is to look for the exception to the presenting concern. The exception is where things worked well, despite the client's issues. Within the exception, an approach for a solution can be negotiated.
Due to it's broad application, SFT has been successfully applied to a wide variety of client concerns.

The approach presupposes that clients have some knowledge of what will improve their lives.
The ‘miracle question’ is frequently used in SFT, a powerful tool that helps clients move to the solution.

This miracle question allows clients to take steps toward finding solutions to presenting problems.
Inviting clients to build on what is already working, clients automatically focus on the positive. In positive psychology, we know that this allows the client’s mind to broaden and build from a positive way of being.
Utilising what has been working during the hypnotherapy session allows the client to move on. At the end of each appointment many SFT hypnotherapists reflect on what has been gained from the session.
Here is a clear example of how to administer the miracle question. It should be delivered deliberately. When done so, it allows the client to imagine the miracle occurring.
“Now, I want to ask you a strange question. Suppose that while you are sleeping tonight and the entire house is quiet, a miracle happens. The miracle is that the problem which brought you here is solved. However, because you are sleeping, you don’t know that the miracle has happened. So, when you wake up tomorrow morning, what will be different that will tell you that a miracle has happened and the problem which brought you here is solved?”
(de Shazer, 1988)
Could You Imagine Being On This Weekend?
Date : Jan 25th & 26th 2025
Duration: Two Day Workshop
Course Fee : £275
To Book Your Place
Venue: University of Surrey, ten minutes walk from Guildford main line station, on-site parking.
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The Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
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What Students Have Said About Our Hypnotherapy Counselling Psychotherapy Training Courses - And The SCCP
The Best decision I have made to date. Joined the diploma training, felt at home with everyone and the training straight away. We read through the approaches together and the interventions were demonstrated by therapists in practice, with plenty of time for questions, we then practised the approaches taught. I practised the approaches between the training weekends with the other students remotely. Charles, SCCP graduate.
Thank you the SCCP, I can honestly say the SCCP courses are fun, entertaining and informative, having studied with another college before finding the SCCP it was immediately apparent to me that these guys really knew their stuff, James has more than forty years experience to bring to the subject, which brought the lectures alive. Christine, SCCP graduate.
Just Let Yourself Grow With An SCCP Advanced Hypnotherapy And Psychotherapy Diploma Course
To read what other students have said about their training and the support they have received to build their practice:

Blossom with the Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy. Would you like to finish work and feel that you have made a real difference to someone else's life? You can as a therapist and we will help you to gain a placement and build your own practice.