Course Booking Form For Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Training Courses in Surrey
This application should be completed after reading our latest information on:
Course terms & conditions.
The course syllabus, the content of each weekend is fully explained.
The introductory weekend, will be an introduction to the subject addressed that weekend.
The complete course, 120 hours, will need to be completed before qualifying.
You will be attending a course which teaches hypnosis and therapy, the therapy part of 'hypnotherapy', is as important as hypnosis.
Hypnosis alone is unlikely to facilitate change, what you say to someone in hypnosis can make lasting changes.
Your fellow delegates, as possibly your future clients, will come with a range of experiences, ranging from no experience in the subject of therapy, to much that we can all gain from.
If you are looking for a course that will teach you to hypnotise a client, and just read a generic script to them, this is not the course for you.
If you want to learn to become a HYPNO - THERAPIST, this could be the course for you. Yes, we also have scripts however, understanding the person that you are working with is more important than reading from a generic script.
We teach people to be therapists that utilise hypnosis, hypnotherapists.
If you are happy with the above, simply complete the form below and click on the "Send" button.