Rapid Solution Focused Therapy De-Hypnotises Unwanted Issues
Hypnotherapy in Surrey
June 21st & 22nd 2025
We are proud to offer Rapid Solution Focused Therapy.
If you follow this system you will gain lasting constructive change:
You can transform peoples lives and as you do so, of course, you will transform your own.
As a traditional therapist I quickly learned that people do not want to see a therapist once a week for the next five years to just talk about their feelings. People want to change, make progress and move forward, we want to be fixed fast and permanently.
Rapid Solution Therapy is something that’s taken over 40 years to develop, adjust and hone.
During that period of time and often working with 10 people a day, I started to understand how the mind works for its owner and not always in the owner’s best interest, I realised there are three key features to the development of a pathology:
1) Our mind looks for what it is used to. Not necessarily what is good for us. The Logic is, if we think or behave in certain way and we are still alive, our minds start to respond by believing that we are alive because we follow a certain sequence, think addictions here or pathological behaviour?
2) Our minds respond to the unconscious program developed by previous experience, synaptic thought translated as pictures, colours, archetypes and emotions. The whispers that come to us, tell us how it is thinking and what it believes.
3) Our minds respond to what it believes is good for us, Known as secondary gains.
An Example of Time Line, Incorporated in RSFT.
“To accuse others for one's own misfortune, is a sign of education requirement.
To accuse oneself shows that one's education has begun.
To accuse neither oneself nor others, shows that one's education is complete.”
Epictetus over 2000 years ago?
This is not SCCP Rapid Solution Focused Therapy but close
University of Surrey
June 21st & 22nd 2025
Saturday 9:30 to 5:30pm
Sunday 9:30 to 5:30pm
Fees £235
When you become a Rapid Solution Focused Therapist, RSFT, you will be able to address any issue that your client brings:
Subject to the approval of your client.
Psychoanalysis teaches us that we respond, often without realising it, to past experiences.
Psychoanalysis though can take three to five years plus, with RSFT, which includes the modern brief strategic interventions, we can often work with a client for two to five sessions, with most if not all issues, including weight loss, addictions, fears anxieties, confidence, self-esteem, depression, memory, exam competence and stuttering.
Once you understand RSFT, you will be able to help yourself and others. No hypnosis skills are required, although hypnosis will enhance the speed of change, the questions that you ask with the scripts supplied will do the work for you.
After this RST weekend you will be able to help people straight away, as a RST therapist you will be able to change your life and help others to achieve fundamental change in a short period of time.
If you want to kick start 2023 with a paradigm shift, we will show you how to move someone into an altered state of awareness quickly, your client does not’t want to drift along with the clouds for thirty minutes, they want to move into a learning state and learn to change as quickly as possible.
There are no geographical limitations to helping clients with RSFT.
RSFT can be enjoyed via Skype, Facetime, Messenger, Zoom or Teams, I have worked with clients in America, France, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland and Wales and many locations in the UK.
If you have a mission to help people, we would love you to join us on our Introduction To Hypnotherapy weekend.
Email any questions to us, we answer all emails:
Neuro Plasticity Explained
We have many therapists from other disciplines address this weekend to gain the tools they need to help their clients to change.
We have had amazing feedback from this SCCP RSFT weekend.
People have said:
"I didn't’t realise I could help people to change so quickly and with out prior therapy training."
When you do what you love, you have purpose.
When you share your passion, you have meaning.
When you can make a difference to people’s lives, you have satisfaction.
Being a therapist has made an enormous difference to my life, I would like you to enjoy that sense of satisfaction too!
Synaptic Plasticity Explained
1) Intake form, setting your client up for success.
2) Work with your client’s emotions, feelings, they are directly related to your client’s earlier learning's and thought patterns.
3) Clients come to you because their feelings are getting in the way, it is how we feel when we are not eating, drinking, smoking, it is how we feel in a relationship, with our partner, in our career, which predicts the way we respond, successfully or otherwise and how our feelings ensure we continue our destructive behaviour. Allow your feelings or your client's feelings to do the work for you.
4) Teaching your client to become their own inner therapist by supporting themselves in the way that only your client can relate to, we call this “First Classing The Child”. This is a standalone therapy which I have developed and used over forty years, in groups and one to one, with amazing results.
5) Sherlocking:
Where are the links that bind your client’s errant learning story together. By linking your clients developmental events into a coherent series of destructive learning experiences, your client will understand how their events have predicted their current behaviour.
6) The Epictetus moment:
It is not what happens to us that matters, it will be the meaning for us and the meaning for your client, the perception of what has happened that will affect your client, and ourselves. Your client’s reinterpretation of their life experiences will facilitate immediate and lasting change, as for ourselves. As these shifts in perception come from your client, the change is real and lasting.
7) It Wasn't’t Me!
This happened to you, it was not because of you.
This is where we help the client to see what really happened, to unravel the confusion of involvement which can link to judgment and blame.
8) Where is Your Adult Voice.
This is an Informal Gestalt approach, two chair work, as your client assertively articulates their changed perspective to important others.
9) Upgrading Your Future.
Upgrading your client into their new life, by helping them to experience being in the future with their new persona.
10) Secondary Gain
How do your symptoms help you? So many aliments have a function that in some way supports us. I have helped a client to stop stuttering in one session using this approach, all of a sudden, he understood the purpose of stuttering to the younger him.
This ten-step process will offer you the confidence to heal yourself and your clients.
Some of these approaches are stand alone therapeutic interventions which can be explored through out the course.
The Syllabus Includes
Who will this approach be effective with?
What are the real aims of the client?
Helping the client to accept that behaviour is a response to feelings, which are driven by thoughts and perceptions
The hypnotherapeutic intervention
Analytical techniques
Behavioural change by changing the perception of events.
Progress with humour.
We can Hypnotherapeutically change the perceptions of past events.
We can change our response to our environment.
What are the real aims of the client?
Helping the client to understand the part they play in the errant behaviour, and showing the client how to change, can be challenging and effective.
Helping the client to practise healthy thinking and behaviour.
This weekend is designed to help you to do just that.
Helping the client to accept that behaviour is a response to feelings, which are affected by thoughts and personal experiences.
We can change our response to our environment.
“People are not disturbed by things, but by the views they take of them.” Epictetus over 2000 years ago? If we modify those views (perceptions) we change the way that we respond to those past events, We learn and move on.
The Aim Of
Rapid Solution Therapy
Is To Change The Perception Of The Experience Stored Within The Archives Of the Brain.
This Allows A Shift In Automatic Behavioural Responses
As The Brain Access An Updated Perception The Clients Behavioural Response Changes.
What Happens In The Brain When Therapeutic Change Takes Place
Can Be Explained In The Above Videos
The Responsibilities Of The Unconscious Mind
All Behaviour Has A Positive Intention
Your Unconscious Mind Acts To Protect You And Keep You Safe.
Every moment it is processing thousands of pieces of information, sensorily received, filtering this information with the purpose of determining what in your environment is likely to cause you harm, and secondarily, what might be beneficial.
The Unconscious Mind Offers Us Survival Strategies.
Without conscious permission and often awareness, we gravitate to, or avoid people, activities, behaviour and experiences which might benefit or endanger us.
We are responding to information gained from previous experiences however, the information is based on our individual perception of those experiences.
Our current irrationality exists because we were originally programmed to respond to life threatening situations and overt physical stress, by learning hormonally to behave differently.
Contemporary stress might be relationships, work dead lines, life choices, time targets, etc, and yet we are still physically responding as if we are about to be harmed.
Another example of an irrational response might come from younger learning, where in our earlier years we did not have the skills and resources to cope with a situation and so we learned to fear, or become dissempowered, yet we respond today as if we still have those limitations.
Today we might still experience a stress trigger as life threatening, as we might have done thousands of years ago in a life threatening situation, or as a child with less skills and coping mechanisms.
It was during our development from an earlier period of evolution, that we developed the flight fight or freeze response that we refer to as stress, and we are still responding as if we are living in those earlier situations, fighting for our lives.
This can disrupt our equilibrium in a modern domestic world.
When the unconscious considers an aspect of modern life stressful, it is considering a threat, as if we are being threatened by a wild animal, this facilitates the fight, flight or freeze response, motivating us to move away from the threat. An example of this might be, becoming nervous and tongue tied at an interview, or being unable to board a plane.
All Behaviour Has A Purpose, With Positive Intent.
These feelings are the struggle between our unconscious mind trying to motivate us away from the threat, and our conscious mind fighting to give its best performance. Here you can see why we consider all behaviour to have a purpose with positive intent, even when that behaviour is having a negative effect, it has a positive intention.
When the fight, flight or stress response is triggered, our body is flooded with hormones that perform certain functions, like increasing respiration, body temperature and moving blood to the muscles.
Our body is now in survival mode, restricting any bodily function which is not involved in fighting for survival, our body prioritises. Hardly surprising then that we might start to find it difficult to remain calm and hold a sophisticated conversation.
Part of the fight, flight or freeze response is the butterflies in the stomach, the dry mouth, and the change in breathing. The blood moving from the brain to fuel muscles is another dynamic of this response. We do not need to be intellectual to fight, or run away. The moment the feeling of anxiety or nervousness reaches a certain level we become physically less able to think and remember, that is why our mind goes blank, and we struggle to remain coherent.
However, if there are life threatening hamsters around, you will be able to move rather quickly.
This model of mental functioning can be used to explain the basis of many problems.
Even smoking. drinking and eating:
If you had an experience when you were younger, that led your unconscious to believe smoking, drinking or eating was a good thing, you felt that you belonged, grown up, relaxed or cool, then it will continue to motivate you to crave cigarettes, alcohol or food etc, no matter how much you consciously wish to stop, we might become anxious at the thought of going without these stimulants.
It can be a cognitive mystery to us why we sustain particular behaviours, beliefs and habits, which we know reduces the quality of our health or life. It is only the smallest part of our brain that thinks that it is a mystery, as you can see the unconscious has purpose and reason to protect us.
We Learn In A Trance State
It is said that we are constantly living in an altered state of awareness. The Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy's model of Cognitive Hypnotherapy, believes trance states are part of our everyday normal experience, as the above research suggests, we spend most of our day in some kind of altered state of awareness.
Most people experience their issues as being beyond their control, hence therapy. As if some part of us takes over and makes us have a cigarette, drink, eat cake, jump on a chair at the sight of a mouse or develop sickness on the day of presentation.
We now know this is the unconscious mind looking after us, and it uses altered states of awareness, or trance states to learn and bring these responses to fruition.
When we respond in any way that we would prefer not to, and have that feeling of being taken over, we are entering an altered state of awareness, hypnosis. We are psychologically stepping back into a previous way of being; a previously learned response.
In Cognitive Hypnotherapy we are de-hypnotising the client, so that the client can gain control over those aspects of their life were they would like to be different.
This offers the client freedom from previously hypnotised states and responses. The problem trance state, becomes an important dynamic in the solution, we can use the previous state to facilitate change.
Reality is different for us all, and so we believe that reality is a personal perception. Perhaps we could say, reality from a scientific factual point of view is an illusion.
The Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy's model of Cognitive Hypnotherapy uses the client’s natural trance states, daily hypnosis, driving, or drifting into your favourite television program, to facilitate a change in perception, and so behavioural change.
The Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy's Cognitive Hypnotherapy model, uses therapeutic interventions which implement a change in these problem patterns of behaviour, the client is able to take control.
Each client’s problem pattern will be uniquely developed, consequently each client will require a different sequence of techniques, connected together by a pattern of suggestions based on their way of thinking.
This is why this is such a fascinating career. No two clients have had the same experience, no two of our therapeutic interventions will be the same.
People Have All The Skills & Resources They Need
This approach is an interactive therapy, the therapist facilitates change.
Here we are relying on Dr Milton Erickson's philosophy, the client already has the skills and resources to change, the therapist facilitates the change.
We are very much moving away from the therapist offering advice and being directive.
There is nothing wrong with the client, we believe the client is reacting to an experience, in a way that makes sense to their particular skill set.
Behaviourally speaking, if we put a person through a developmental experience, they would learn to react in a certain way, this could be repeated several times with different clients, and we would all respond in our own unique way.
Why do we respond differently to a single trigger?
We have all had different learning experiences during our developmental phases, programming if you like.
What we are doing here, is attempting to understand the model that the client uses to negotiate their world. Not the therapist's strategies, but the client's. We then help the client to reconstruct their model, by helping the client to change their perception of an experience; to see something in a different way.
This approach requires a higher level of skill than using a script or giving advice. To use a script or to give advice, would be a a one size fits all approach which will not work for the majority of clients.
The SCCP are teaching a way of working that adapts to the client, we believe that telling a client what to do, giving advice, is abusive to the client. After all, it is the client that accepts the consequences of change, and not the therapist. The approach then is Client Centered, as developed by Carl Rogers.
By understanding the client and feeding back the client’s own words and ideas into a pattern of creative suggestion, we lower resistance to change, whilst self empowering the client, and not dissempowering by telling the client what to do.
The Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy is continually developing these skills within the student.
The SCCP graduate develops a unique experience for every client, whatever the client's issues.
It is this approach which will help you to build a thriving practice, and keep you stimulated throughout your career.
Founder of RSFT - EMDR Plus & Principal of the SCCP. A practising counsellor, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist for more than 40 years with over 20 years in Surrey. With several years on Alexander ward at Woking Community & Mental Health Hospital, and Hillview Medical Centre, Heathside Road, Woking, as a Psychotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Counsellor, EFT & NLP practitioner, EMDR therapist & CBT therapist.
A member of the NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners, . A founder member of the National Society for Psychotherapists NSPsy. The International Hypnotherapy Association, IHA, The National Council for Hypnotherapy, NCH, The Hypnotherapy Register, HR, committed to providing counselling and hypnotherapy and brief strategic interventions in a safe, confidential and non-judgmental environment at either West Byfleet Surrey.
The Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy have successfully trained therapists in since 1996.