Hypnotherapy Surrey


The Effect Of Stress Can Make Us Sick  

Stress hormones, cortisol, adrenaline & norepinephrine are increased as we become stressed. 
Adrenaline is an anaesthetic which increases our heart rate, causing our heart to beat faster, raising blood pressure. Adrenaline also has an affect on the smooth muscles of the bladder and bowl, which is why we visit the toilet more often when stressed or wake in the early hours to have a pee. 
Cortisol is believed to affect the inner lining of our blood vessels, increasing plaque build up in our arteries, this could increase the risk of stroke and heart attack and reduced sexual response. 
The health of your brain, heart, gut, sexual function, sleep pattern, weight increase and our emotional stability can all be affected by stress, and certainly chronic stress. 
This video explains how stress can affect our body 
If you are suffering with stress, hypnotherapy has been proven to relieve the stress response and help you to live a calm happy life. Gain the skills to be calm & relaxed, to be able to enjoy your life, book your free initial consultation to find out how I can help you. 
Call James today on 01932 341055 

Hypnotherapy Surrey Can Help You To Combat Stress & Anxiety 

To be able to monitor our emotions, and be aware of how we are responding and coping, is vital to our emotional health.  
Stress management then is imperative to us all. There might be an argument for taking a break from negative or overly stressed people, regardless of how close they are to us to have un-boundaried empathy can be detrimental to our emotional health. Empathic stress, is when we are deeply affected by those close to us, when watching the news, or reading the paper, regarding upsetting news stories; sometimes we just need a break from the realities of the world. 
We are an intelligent species and so we are affected by our surroundings, this empathic stress can be heightened when we live with someone who is anxious or depressed. 
What you do for stress relief is a personal choice, as your stress-management techniques must work for you. If running or a gym workout helps you to address your frustrations, If meditation is your choice, that's fine. 
Tears shed due to an emotional response, such as sadness, anger, frustration or extreme happiness, contain a high concentration of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), a chemical linked to stress, so having a good cry once in a while can help. One theory of why you cry when you're sad is that it helps your body release some of these stress chemicals, helping you to feel calm and relaxed. 
We also have some less beneficial ways to address our stress, eating, smoking, drinking etc, these can all be addressed with hypnotherapy. 
These approaches though only address the frustrations and symptoms of stress, working with James can help you address the cause of the stress response; desensitise you to the cause of the stress by helping you gain stress coping strategies & life skills or helping you to see these triggers in a different way. 
Our vulnerable to the effects of stress increase when we feel dissempowered, as if there are limited choices, that things are deteriorating, when our support system is failing or non existent. Working together we can use a combination of skills, Counselling, CBT, NLP, EFT, EMDR, & Hypnotherapy. 
This eclectic approach can help you to become self empowered & regain control of your life again. 
You can also seek professional support from James to address existing emotional scars and traumas that can affect your health. Chronic stress can change our DNA, research indicate,s their can be ongoing damage to our cells if chronic stress is not correctly addressed. 
When suffering with stress, adequate sleep is a must and yet sleep patterns can be the first behaviour to suffer, so often difficult to achieve. As sleep deprivation impairs your body’s ability to balance out life stress it is vital that we address your sleep pattern and ability to naturally heal.  
Hypnosis, is the first phase of sleep, known as HYPNOGOGIC, teaching you how to achieve hypnogogic, offers you the tools to access and maintain healthy nourishing sleep. 
Healthy sleep with regular physical activity and a healthy diet, are the elements your body needs to bounce back from continuous stress or a stressful event. 
Be healthier and happier. 
Phone James today 01932 341055 

Healthy & Unhealthy Life Strategies 

How our careers can cause stress, and the devastating affects on the body, how our minds work & how we see our selves, self esteem are explained in this video. 
Your experience of stress can be addressed efficiently with the eclectic use of modern brief strategic interventions. 
Stress is caused by the way that we perceive events, not by the events themselves. A worry, concern, anxiety, and perhaps even a panic attack, can trigger our body to raise the production of stress hormones, this will change the way that your mind and body function. Your body is now functioning in survival mode and so prioritises, shutting down anything that is not a priority. We need power, quick reactions and not intellect, digestion or to procreate and so these functions suffer when we are stressed. 
There is no need to continue suffering, no need to take medication, with research proving that many antidepressants are little better than a placebo response, and yet offering considerably more in the way of side effects. 
Time to change call 01932 341055  


Stress Affects 

Cognition, concentration, memory and the ability to process information is reduced, we become reactive in fight or flight, we are not expected to be academic, and so there is no need to be intellectual. 
Sleep patterns distort, in fight or flight, a survival gift that can save us, we are not expected to sleep. Sleep then can be difficult, sometimes we are unable to access sleep, or we sleep but wake after a few hours and find it difficult to go back to sleep. We wake feeling tired from nervous sleep due to a lack or nourishing sleep. 
Micturition rates, we wake in the early hours to go to the toilet and generally pee more often during the day. Again in flight or fight our bodies can evacuate what is not required, to save our lives. 
Digestion, the bowel will process food inefficiently when stressed, we can feel sick, be sick, need the toilet or have an accident, dependent on the level of stress experienced. Some may suffer with IBS. 
Blood pressure increases as heart rate increases. We need more blood and oxygen going to the muscles, readying for action. 
Sexual function, we are unlikely to need to be intimate when fighting for our lives, fight or flight, and so arousal and conception rates reduce, dependent on the level of stress experienced. 
Immune system, we feel run down and suffer with more aliments like colds as the stress hormones suppress our immune system. Compromised immune systems offer a greater risk of illness and cancer. 
Energy levels, stress is exhausting, we are burning vital energy when stressed which leaves us exhausted. 
Life expectancy, the quality of cell reproduction degenerates with stress; which is why we physical age when stressed over a long period of time; for examples of this affect please check the before, pre-election pictures and after term of office pictures of some prime ministers and presidents who age dramatically within four years. 
We can suffer with some or all of the above when stressed, the amount that we suffer will be dependent on the level of stress experienced and personal circumstances. This will directly relate to the level of perceived importance of the trigger. 

There Is No Such Thing As Stress ? 

Stress is the fight or flight response.  
Technically your body is preparing you to run or fight, which ever you do is not a conscious choice. 
Usually your response is a matter of conditioning from previous experiences.  
When adrenaline increases, our heart rate increases, causing our heart to beat faster and ultimately raise blood pressure. Cortisol can interfere with the function of the inner lining of your blood vessels, triggering plaque buildup in your arteries, and increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke. 
Meanwhile, your brain communicates with your gut, sending the news that you’re stressed, and your gut responds to suit, altering what it would normally be doing, so your body can collectively work to fight off this imminent threat whether real or perceived. We may experience increased micturition rates, stomach cramps and the way that our bowl works can be affected. 
These physiological responses would all be on a sliding scale, the more stressed we become, the more our gut etc would react.  
This stress response can be quite beneficial if we need to run from a predator or work harder to meet a deadline. Stress is destructive when our body develops the habit of regular worry and concern, when we feel stressed most of the time or experience a background anxiety. While an occasional stress response is normal and even healthy, ongoing, constant stress can be harmful. 
Stress can facilitate depression, sickness from chronic diseases to acute infections and possibly an addictive nature. 

What Happens When We Are Stressed 

Let us imagine, you lose your job or fear that you will, perhaps being bullied or not respected, have relationship issues or struggling from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 
Inappropriate levels of stress hormones are released too often. Your stress response becomes out of balance; the stress response is not shutting off. Your immune system suffers as a result, and epigenetic changes are rapidly occurring. 
The stress is triggering systemic low-grade inflammation, and suddenly your blood pressure is up, your asthmatic breathing is increasing, and you keep getting colds. 
You’re having trouble sleeping and at an emotional level you feel like you are wired. 
You could be putting on weight, and you’re having digestive troubles too. Even your intimate life is suffering or you are trying to conceive and now considering IVF. 
Stress clearly affects your whole body, but according to neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky in the documentary “Stress: Portrait of a Killer,” Please see video below. The following are the most common health conditions that are caused by increased stress: 
Cardiovascular disease, Hypertension, Depression, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Sexual dysfunction, Infertility, irregular period cycles, Frequent colds, Insomnia, Fatigue, Trouble concentrating, Trouble remembering, Appetite changes, Digestive problems, the stress response causes a number of detrimental events in your gut, including, decreased nutrient absorption & decreased oxygenation to our gut, with as much as four times less blood flow to your digestive system, which leads to decreased metabolism 
Decreased enzymatic output in your gut as much as 20,000-fold! 

Chronic Stress 

"Stress; Portrait Of A Killer" - Robert Sapolsky 

Chronic stress and other negative emotions such as anger, anxiety loneliness and sadness can trigger an emotional and physiological responses. Our brains and bodies do not work separately, they are reliant on feed back and interaction to perform efficiently. 
The Psyche combines with the physical, which can cause the bowel and bladder to work differently, affect breathing, sexual function, sleep pattern, energy levels & resilience etc. 
In other words, stress or depression or other psychological factors can affect a dramatic change in the way that our bodies function. 
In addition, research suggests that people that suffer with stress perceive pain more acutely than other people, because their brains do not properly regulate pain signals. There is a lack or sensory regulation. 
Stress can make existing pain feel worse. 
It is widely accepted that by clinically relaxing a client, as in specialised approaches used by the SCCP in hypnotherapy; we can reduce the experience of pain by up to sixty percent. 

Your Brain and Your Heart Suffer When You’re Stressed 

Prolonged stress can also damage your brain cells and make you lose the capacity to remember things. The brain cells of stressed rats are dramatically smaller, especially in the area of their hippocampus, which is the seat of learning and memory. 
University students often attend the Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy clinic to address their perceived change in proficient memory, often these students are suffering from stress, which affects the students ability to remember and recall.  
Stress disrupts your neuroendocrine and immune systems, and appears to trigger a degenerative process in your brain that can result in Alzheimer's disease. Stress-induced weight gain is also real, and typically involves an increase in belly fat, which is the most dangerous fat for your body to accumulate, and increases your cardiovascular risk. 
During moments of high stress, your body releases hormones such as norepinephrine, which can even cause the dispersal of bacterial biofilms from the walls of your arteries. This dispersal can allow plaque deposits to suddenly break loose, thereby triggering a heart attack. 
When stress becomes chronic, your immune system becomes increasingly desensitized to cortisol, and since inflammation is partly regulated by this hormone, this decreased sensitivity heightens the inflammatory response and allows inflammation to get out of control. Chronic inflammation is a hallmark of heart disease and many chronic diseases. 
Make those important changes now:  
Tel: 01932 341055