Emotional Eating
Duration: Two Day Workshop
Course Fee: £275
Clinical hypnosis is often the last resort for slimmers, with most of our clients suffering a history of yo yo dieting, with the subsequent weight loss and gain and the inevitable distorted metabolism. Through distorted perception there is often the belief that weight loss should be easy, effortless and the responsibility of the therapist.
The key to an effective treatment structure is to help your patient to understand what food is doing for them, and that permanent weight loss is achieved through a lifestyle change to a healthy eating plan, not for a period but for an enjoyable lifetime. How do we help the client remain motivated during this time of change?
Weight loss is a natural result of high self-esteem, personal acceptance and liking oneself. It takes time to help someone move toward this position. This weekend will help you to empower your client to be happy with themselves.
There are many approaches to controlling weight; this class is designed to help the therapist working with the client who is eating for emotional reasons, which we call head eating. The subject requires an innovative approach to change. Interactive and focused, the scripts are used to help the client develop a relationship with themselves and gradually become less reliant on eating.
Due to the wealth of empirical research carried out on the behavioural therapies they are considered to be brief effective approaches to treating physical and emotional issues. The behavioural model has been used in the medical profession for many years and we know how the application of hypnosis within any approach can aid in the acceptance of new behaviour, so this masterclass reviews the behavioural model and the therapeutic approaches derived from this approach to rapid and lasting change to your patient when coupled with the intervention of hypnotherapeutic techniques.
This approach can be especially effective when the patient requires evidence that their flawed attitude is the cause of their emotional disturbance which inevitably leads to the desired change in behaviour.
The Syllabus Includes:
The advantages to being big.
So many alternatives to food.
How do slim people eat.
The language of hunger.
Does the inner child need food?
Thinking like a slim person.
Living with wants & needs, enjoying emotions.
Developing a healthy relationship with the self.
Including many new innovative scripts & interactions.
There are many approaches to controlling weight; this class is designed to help the therapist working with the client who is eating for emotional reasons, which we call head eating. The subject requires an innovative approach to change. Interactive and focused, the scripts are used to help the client develop a relationship with themselves and gradually become less reliant on eating to maintain their mood.