Inner Child Hypnotherapy
09th & 10th
Healing The Inner Child
Using Hypnotherapy To Heal The Inner Child
Healing Core Issues - Reclaim The Right To Love And To Be Loved
Overcome Fears And Addictions - Develop Self-Worth, Confidence & Self Compassion - Realise Your Potential
Working With Addictions?

Are Your Younger Years Still Affecting You Today?

Utilising the hypnotherapy skills that you have gained from this weekend, we will be working with inner child hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is a vehicle of change, knowing what to say when your client is hypnotised will change your client.

When will my inner child come out to play?
Carl Gustav Jung, is often referenced as the originator of the Divine Child archetype.
Charles Whitfield dubbed this concept as the "Child Within".
The INNER CHILD HYPNOTHERAPY process would be appropriate to use as a therapeutic intervention with clients presenting with symptoms that may originate in childhood.
These might be:
The client believing there was a lack of love or emotional support during their growing up years, this might be real or perceived, the response would be the same.
Perhaps a lack of confidence or a sense of Insecurity.
Chronic low self-esteem in personal and or professional life.
Abuse, again this might be real or perceived, emotional, physical, sexual or possibly just neglect.
Emotional and relationship issues.
Eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia and anorexia bulimia.
Deep seated control issues.
Over weight, long term weight issues.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, OCD's, often have their roots in child hood issues.
IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome at times can start in childhood, tummy pains before going to school etc.
Stammering, often there is a long history of anxiety which might be the pathology or related to stuttering.
Addictions, the Tormented Inner Child will often develop an addictive nature to anaesthetise his or her feelings.
The Twelve-step recovery program considers healing the inner child to be one of the essential stages in recovery from addiction, abuse, trauma, or post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD. In the 1970s, the inner child concept emerged alongside the clinical concept of codependency (first called Adult Children of Alcoholics Syndrome.). These topics remain very active today.
Healing the inner child offers a path to freedom, inner calm and self empowerment.
Improving the diversity and professionalism of your tool box. If your client’s childhood was lacking in love and security, then addressing your client’s symptoms and issues by only addressing self - esteem and confidence could make your client feel worse. After a difficult childhood there is often very little in the way of self worth to relate to, direct suggestion can remind us that we do not have these qualities.
Hypnotherapy Inner Child Therapy is a gentle healing and non-invasive way for your child to heal. Allowing your client to re-parent their own inner child in away that can only be appropriate for your client. No other person will be able to talk to your client's inner child in the way that your client can.
Your client can gain more insight into what actually happened from their inner child, rather than relying on perceptions and memory, which can be inherently poor in difficult situations. Your client's inner child will talk to your client allowing the healing to take place.
The hypnotherapy inner child process is a safe, gentle and sensitive method of enabling your clients to connect regularly with their inner child and fulfill the child’s emotional needs that went unmet at earlier times of development.
The success of inner child hypnotherapy is partly due to the thorough preparation of the client, with a specialised analysis session prior to the inner child hypnotherapy session.
As you experience this approach, you may begin to realise how appropriate and beneficial this approach will be for many of your clients!
During this weekend we will be:
Identifying clients that would be suitable, this can easily be ascertained during the initial consultation.
Preparing our client to be specifically self-aware, this might be seen as developing a better relationship with self.
Guiding our client to a safe place of healing, allowing their inner child to appear.
Allowing the inner child to appear at an appropriate time in the client's earlier development.
Address a time when the client may have had questions to the wrong answers.
How to address a time when the client required emotional support and attention.
Supporting the inner child that requires time to play, to be loved and held.
Structuring each therapy appointment to gain the best possible outcome for the client.
Teaching our client how to continue the therapy at home.
Teaching our client to maintain an inner child diary.
Teaching our client to monitor progress through their own inner child diary.
As the client is taught to continue the process at home, the inner child develops becoming older and happier, this is often contrary to the client's experience of development.
This natural therapeutic development evolves with the clients practise; with the client often being greeted by an older inner child with each passing practise session.
We believe that the training sessions and the therapy needs to be light hearted and where possible fun, this provides a relaxed learning environment.
This approach has offered a winning formula since 1980, when James started to utilise inner child hypnotherapy to facilitate change and improve the quality of client's lives.
Many clients are genuinely surprised at their dramatic improvement in their self - esteem and life confidence.
For more information please:
Phone James on 01932 341055
Course Fees £275
Please send Free 2023 Course Brochure