Held At The University of Surrey The Hypnotherapy Stress Buster The SCCP Lightening Transformational Process
May 17th & 18th 2025
Course Fees £275

Weekend Content
The Solution To Anxiety And Stress
1) Indirect Hypnotic Induction Techniques - covert ways to induce trance.
2) Covert Influencing Techniques & Vital Communication Skills.
3) Trance Induction, how we and the client move into and out of trance.
4) Recognising & utilising Natural Trance States
5) The Transformational Process is unique to the SCCP. Developed by James Golding with forty years of clinical experience. Reduces stress, lowers stress hormones within the client and places the client in control, in real life time.
6) Eye accessing cues and how an understanding of eye patterns might help you to better understand the client and your friends whilst boosting self esteem.
7) Psychological profiles that predict stress response and addictive nature. How to identify and modify these profiles to improve confidence & self esteem.
8) Hypnotic language, word weaving & indirect suggestion.
9) Utilising every day trance into a learning experience.
10) Influencing future behaviour via covert suggestions.
11) How to apply these techniques in the practice and general conversation.
To utilise the Transformational Process, we need to understand the personality profile of the person that we are working with. The Transformational Process can be personalised to yourself or the individual that you are working with to gain optimum affect.
The Transformational Process can be used to combat anxiety, as a frame work to work with ME, Fibromyalgia, eating disorders, emotionally eating, addictions, depression, social anxiety, anger management and public speaking.
The first two appointments are to help you, or the person that you are working with, to take control of their body.
The second two appointments will develop the skills in yourself, or your client, to take control of the mind, rather than the mind controlling the individual.
After this, you, or the person that you are working with, will have the ability to relax, manage the self, whether at work or at home.
When in company, no one will be aware of what you or your client are doing, and yet you, or your client, will be able to talk and interact whilst remaining calm, relaxed and in control.
If there is anything that you would like to discuss please contact the Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
Tel: 01932 341055
"I have completed the course and learnt so much about myself, I feel that I have rediscovered myself, now in the process of developing my practice which is going really well! Inspiring, thank you." Sarah
The Process Of Transformation
May 17th & 18th 2025
We restrict student levels to twenty per class.
to maintain quality of training
Improved Self Esteem And Confidence
It is impossible to feel confident and anxious at the same time.
Learn to be relaxed in what you are doing and you will learn to become confident.
People often confuse self esteem with confidence.
We are unable to feel confident in or about every situation but we can maintain a good relationship with our self, high self esteem.
That personal quiet inner calm that purveys everything that we do and how others respond to us comes from being at peace with ourselves, liking ourselves.

This alone is often seen as confidence.
Improved self esteem, affects our behaviour, our relationships and even the positions we command in our chosen careers and certainly the way that we interact with food and alcohol etc.
This Introduction to Hypnotherapy Weekend offers you the skills and guidance to enjoy an improved relationship with yourself and all that you encounter in your outer world, food, work, colleagues, friends and those intimate relationships.
All of this within the structure of learning the basics of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, including inductions into hypnosis, how to deepen trance and make a difference to others lives.
Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
This Introduction To Hypnotherapy Weekend would be ideal for anyone with an interest in therapy, hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, whether that interest is motivated by thoughts of developing your own hypnotherapy practice, or a genuine interest in people and how our minds work.
The Hypnotherapy Transformational Process weekend is designed to develop within the student, an understanding of hypnotherapy and how hypnotherapy might be used within the modern clinical hypnotherapy practice. Hypnotherapy only really comes to life when practically applied to the client, and so there is a strong experiential approach to the academic understanding of this incredibly stimulating subject.
During this weekend, the student will gain the skills to use hypnosis with themselves and others and learn how to weave words within hypnosis to facilitate change. There is a mix of theory and practice throughout the two days of hypnotherapy training.
On completion of the Transformational Process Weekend, we would expect the student hypnotherapist to be able to use hypnotherapy inductions and approaches to deepen the effect of trance. This might be useful for relaxation, stress management, weight loss, stop smoking, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, depression and to facilitating change within another or oneself, improving self esteem and confidence
The hypnotherapy training venue is local with excellent transport links and ample parking. We start at 9:30am and finish at 5:30pm on both days, with the usual breaks, tea, coffee snacks are available locally.
Supported by a comprehensive manual, there is no need to purchase extra hypnotherapy reading material prior to the weekend, although suggestions for further hypnotherapy reading, will be included within the support pack.
The Hypnotherapy Transformational Process weekend training, indeed the course is accredited by the NCH, HA & NSPsy governing bodies and register.
If, after attending the Hypnotherapy Introduction Weekend, you decide that you want to continue, please mention this to your trainer. You will be able to attend the rest of the hypnotherapy diploma course subject to available places.
Therapists In Practice - This Is The Solution To Anxiety
As a practicing therapist, you have often worked with clients who are suffering with general anxiety with no apparent trigger.
This would be an ideal weekend for you to attend, offering you the tools to help your client.
The Transformational Process consists of four client appointments, each appointment can be adjusted to suit the requirements of the individual personality profile.
Personality profiling will be discussed over this weekend in some depth, how to understand the profiling that helps your client suffer with anxiety and what you and your client can do to change, to become calm and relaxed. Yes, your client can learn to become generally calm and relaxed within four weeks.
This hypnotherapy weekend is fully supported by an extensive comprehensive manual for future reference.
This hypnotherapy training workshop is accredited by the NCH, HA & NSPsy governing bodies and register. This hypnotherapy weekend can be part of your continuing professional development, CPD, subject to your governing body requirements.
The hypnotherapy training venue is at The University of Surrey, Guildford, with excellent transport links, five minutes walk from Guildford mainline station, and ample parking. We start at 9:30am and finish at 5:30pm on both days.
If there is anything that you would like to discuss please contact the Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy and ask for James.
To book your place on this Hypnotherapy Weekend please click here: