We Can Think About The Past In An Unhelpful Way
Some Times We Have
The Emotional Ability To Remember Only What Went Wrong
This Can Make It Harder To Take A Risk
Develop A Relationship,
Change Careers
Take Advantage Of Opportunities
Make New Friends

Perhaps this sounds obvious however, this bias alters our chances of being successful in the future.
Recent research found that people with symptoms of depression and anxiety remember the past differently, they tend to remember and focus more on the mistakes they have made in the past. This makes it harder for them to take advantage of potentially beneficial opportunities in the future.
Other studies have confirmed that people who are depressed, tend to believe that past difficult experiences were unavoidable and would be repeated in the future.
This bias, may make it easier for depressed and anxious people to give up on a relationship when things do not go their way and harder to take a risk on a new relationship, job or other career opportunity.
Unfortunately, depressed people also have difficulty appreciating or recalling positive experiences.
The SCCP Transformational Process will change your perception of the past, offering the confidence to experience a successful future with confidence.
The SCCP Transformation Process Will allow you to become emotionally resilient, find it easier to adapt to a rapidly changing environment and to take advantage of fresh opportunities.
Professor Sonia Bishop, study co-author, explained:
“When everything keeps changing rapidly, and you get a bad outcome from a decision you make, you might fixate on what you did wrong, which is often the case with clinically anxious or depressed people. Conversely, emotionally resilient people tend to focus on what gave them a good outcome, and in many real-world situations, that might be key to learning to make good decisions.”
With 300 people in the control group, results showed that people with symptoms of depression and anxiety had the most trouble making sound decisions with less ability to adapt quickly to changes.

Worrying, Feeling Down or Depressed? Tips That Can Help You To Be Happier
Simple Three Step Plan That Will Help You Banish Worries Permanently
Dwelling on your worries and concerns can lead to mental health problems.
Whether your children, the mortgage, family health or work: modern life means worries come thick and fast on a daily basis.
Once your mind gets caught in a spiral of worrying, you can be powerless to stop it.
Worry can affect our sleep, eating habits, enjoyment of life and mental health.
These Three Tips Can Help You Now
Research Suggests Repetitive Negative Thoughts Are At The Heart Of The Depressive Experience.
Not Necessarily Depression But You Can Be Happier

Do You
Find yourself over thinking, considering the what ifs.
Dwell on something that has already happened.
Worry about what could happen.
Either way, perhaps you are not enjoying the moment!
What To Do
(1) Realise that worrying and over analysing is a waste of time and effort, it does not resolve anything.
(2) Focus on the here-and-now, rather than the past or the future.
(3) Be wary of habitual distractions like drinking, eating, television, sport, exercise and the internet.
But when worrying becomes too much, there is a simple three-step plan to stop your obsessive concerns in there tracks!
We attach too much importance to our thoughts; to be happier we need to focus on what is happening in the here and now.
When we dwell too long on worries and concerns it could lead to emotional health problems, like depression or anxiety.
Worry and brooding create stress, exhaustion, fatigue, lowers self - esteem and affects our immune system.

Just See How Long You Can Hold A Glass Of Water At Arms Length
Stress can be illustrated by holding a glass of water at arms length for a short while.

Most people would say that's easy to do, but if I hold the glass continuously for a period of time, the glass becomes heavy.
It works the same way with our concerns and worries.
They aren't necessarily that heavy when they are short lived, but they get heavier the longer we allow them to remain with us.
It is generally considered that worrying is not dangerous, however, it is exhausting and stressful.
We are well practised at developing anxieties and worries, because our minds are so capable of creatively imagining situations, the issue is our thoughts feel like FACTS.
Our capacity to analyse ourselves or to anticipate threatening scenarios is a survival technique, but when this mechanism becomes out of balance it becomes negative and unhelpful.
When over thinking and imagining everything that could go wrong, here is what you can do to lessen your angst, without resorting to medication.
THREE STEPS TO REDUCE STRESS Become aware when your brain starts to let you worry, tell yourself, "this is a waste of time and energy, I am wasting energy and not resolving anything"
1. Realise it's a waste of time
You need to tell yourself, "worrying is a waste of time and energy, worry resolves nothing and reduces my ability to think and act."
The most important fact about worrying as a mental activity, is to realise that worrying itself is meaningless, worrying is a useless activity.
Worrying and brooding doesn't help anything, and has no calming or problem-solving benefits.

2. Focus on the here and now, with love and compassion for yourself.

Worrying and brooding is different to thinking and planning, which can be helpful and productive.
Being self-focused, going over and over bad experiences and why they happened the way they did is unhelpful, learning something from the experience can be useful.
As soon as you catch yourself sliding down the brooding well, ask yourself if there is any point?
And, what am I gaining from this?
And, can anything be changed or improved by upsetting myself again today?
Becoming involved in today, real-life moments, what is happening in your life right now will help.
Focusing on the here and now, instead of the illusions from the past, will allow worrying and brooding to gradually dissolve.
Your mind may continue to churn, there is no magic switch, keep bringing your mind back to today and what you can do now.
Anything that isn't fed and nurtured with attention will gradually wither and die on its own, and this also applies to one's concerns and brooding.
Work can be stressful, returning to work daily, worrying about work at weekends and evenings means that we will be constantly stressed.

3. Stop looking for distractions
Distracting yourself from your worries with alcohol, food, gambling, TV, smoking and other stimulants can feel like it's helping in the short term, but in the long run, it's likely to make things worse.
This approach does not mean trying to escape or distract yourself from your thoughts.
People use TV, gambling, computer games, even drugs and alcohol as a distraction.
Distractions will fail in the long run, and often lead to errant behaviour or addictions.
Relying on other people, external things or stimuli to become calm, develops an exterior locus of control.
In fact, distraction has the opposite effect, making you MORE, not less stressed because like worry, distraction does not resolve the issue.
Trying NOT to think of negative thoughts creates a recoil effect. The brain has to keep track of what you shouldn't think about, and those are the very thoughts you're trying to avoid, train yourself to think about current constructive issues that you are able to do something about.
Stress at work can build up, leaving you feeling anxious and worried. Use these approaches to switch off.

Practise Makes Perfect
You may have practised worrying and brooding for sometime, and become really proficient at being upset and dissempowering yourself.
If this is the case, there is some good news, you will not need to practise these tips for very long before regain control.
If you feel you need a hand or want to pop along for a free initial consultation, just to see what else we can achieve together, feel free to contact James:
Tel: 01932 341055

The Brief Strategic Techniques Developed By The SCCP Will Empower You To Be Calm And In Control
If you are concerned or anxious, and feel that you might benefit from discussing a better way forward, contact James for a free initial consultation.
Research Reveals Antidepressants Are Rarely the Right Answer
Unfortunately, the most widely used remedy for feeling down, worrying or brooding is also among the least effective according to Dr Mercola.
In addition to a long list of potential side effects (which include worsening depression and suicide), 40 percent of people with major depressive disorder treated with antidepressants do not achieve full remission.
Perhaps more importantly, studies have repeatedly shown antidepressants work no better than placebo for mild to moderate depression, so taking a risk for a little chance of benefit. As noted in a 2014 paper on antidepressants and the placebo effect.
“Antidepressants are supposed to work by fixing a chemical imbalance, specifically, a lack of serotonin in the brain. Analyses of the published data and the unpublished data that were hidden by drug companies, reveals that most (if not all) of the benefits are due to the placebo effect .
Analysing the data found, Dr Mercola was not surprised to find a substantial placebo effect regarding depression.
What was surprising was how small the drug effect was.
Seventy-five percent of the improvement in the drug group, also occurred when people were give dummy pills with no active ingredient.
The serotonin theory is as close as any theory in the history of science to having been proved wrong.
Instead of curing depression, popular antidepressants may induce a biological vulnerability making people more likely to become depressed in the future.”