Self-Compassionate Hypnotherapy Phrases For Instant Relief
The Three Components Of Hypnotherapy Self Compassion
By applying Rapid Solution Therapy, RST, to different stages of our development we have a different experience to access. Rather than destructive self doubt and criticism we can experience compassion for our selves. This new understanding which can be automatically referenced by our brain, predicts a different future for us and so we experience permanent change. We can become less destructively judgmental of ourselves and others, leading to better relationships with ourselves and others. Here I am suggesting that being destructively judgmental, offers no differentiation to self or others. We can all be on the journey of becoming more Self Compassionate and we do not need to berate ourselves for not being Self Compassionate enough.
1. Hypnotherapy Self-Compassion in contrast to Self-judgment.
Hypnotherapy Self-Compassion encourages being warm and understanding toward ourselves when we suffer, whether we need to learn, feel inadequate or wish for a better experience, rather than ignoring our pain, which is the pathology of suppression, or flagellating ourselves with self-criticism. Self-Compassionate people recognise that being imperfect, failing, and experiencing life difficulties is inevitable, so they tend to be gentle with themselves when confronted with painful experiences rather than getting angry when life falls short of perceived standards. We are unable to always be or gain exactly what we want. When reality is denied or fought against, suffering increases in the form of stress frustration and self-criticism. When reality is accepted with sympathy and kindness, greater emotional equanimity is immediately experienced.
2. Common humanity in contrast to Isolation.
Frustration at not having things exactly as we want, is often accompanied by an irrational but pervasive sense of isolation, as if “I” "the self," were the only person suffering or making this mistake.
All humans suffer. However, the very definition of being “human” means that one is mortal, vulnerable and imperfect.
Therefore, self-compassion involves recognising that suffering and personal inadequacy is part of the shared human experience, something that we all go through, rather than being something that happens to “me” alone.
3. Observation and consideration (Mindfulness) in contrast to Over-identification.
Self-compassion also requires taking a balanced approach to our negative emotions so that feelings are neither suppressed or exaggerated, both are a pathology.
This balanced view is derived from the process of relating personal experiences to those of others who are also suffering, thus putting our own situation into a larger perspective.
If appropriate we might balance our thinking by understanding that, 'if anyone else were going through this experience they too might feel this way.' 'Why wouldn't I.'
It also stems from the willingness to observe our negative thoughts and emotions with openness and clarity, so that they are held in mindful awareness.
Mindfulness can be a non-judgmental, receptive mind state, in which we might observe thoughts and feelings as they are, without trying to suppress or deny them.
We cannot ignore our pain and feel compassion for ourselves at the same time.
At the same time, Hypnotherapy Self - Compassion requires that we do not “over-identify” with thoughts and feelings, ensuring that we are not swept away by destructive reactivity.
Having looked at how self compassion can help us grow and address so many issues that we might struggle with at times, it can be extremely beneficial to have some phrases that really can turn our feelings and thoughts around.
As you might expect, some hypnotherapists in Surrey, prepare for the people that they are about to work with and many hypnotherapists use scripts that would probably incorporate the following phrases and approaches:
Self-Compassionate Hypnotherapy Phrases.
• Surrey hypnotherapy language makes it easier to learn self-compassion.
• Self-compassion hypnotherapy is not about telling yourself how great you are.
• Self-compassion hypnotherapy is an effective intervention for, anxiety, habits, low self
esteem, smoking cessation, reducing alcohol consumption, phobias, erectile dysfunction,
issues of conception and any form of self development and personal growth.
When developing self-compassion hypnotherapy scripts, I often get feedback from clients and SCCP students that self- compassion hypnotherapy language is incredibly beneficial.
Therefore, I have compiled some simple self-compassionate hypnotherapy phrases here, let me know what you think?
Self-compassion hypnotherapy is particularly useful if you're prone to anxiety.
Why is hypnotherapy so successful at resolving anxiety?
When suffering from anxiety people often try to prevent their worries and concerns from occurring by being harsh on themselves, judging themselves by perceived standards or comparing themselves with others.
How To Be Self-Compassionate By Changing Accepted Every Day Irrational Self Talk Into Rational Hypnotherapy Language - And Yes This Really Does Work, Try It For Yourself With the Following:
1. 'Practice makes perfect.'
Change to - 'Practice assists progress.'
Explanation: This is healthier than saying practice makes perfect, attempting to achieve perfection is the cause of stress, demonstrates a polarised model of thinking and perfection is rarely achievable, which would imply we are attempting to achieve the unachievable, stressful!
2. 'There are so many things wrong with me.'
Change to - 'These are the things I like about myself.'
Explanation: If you are going to be honest, why not be balanced. Please also notice what is ok about you. Not every issue needs to be solved right now. You were not born to be perfect, however, you can acknowledge your growth each week. Give yourself permission to progress one step at a time, you do not need to see the whole staircase to maintain progress.
3. 'I must be happy'
Change to: 'I would prefer to be happy.'
Explanation: Therapists teach people to change the word must or should, to "prefer.' Must and should are judgmental words that infer failure if not achieved. When there is a preference we have restored balance to our thinking. If we are attempting to achieve a desired goal, working toward the aim is a learning experience. Not all things are immediately achievable, however, we can always learn as we progress.
4. 'I am frustrated, anxious, sad or hurt.'
Change to - I would prefer to be calm but it is ok to be hurt when I consider what has happened. Perhaps anxiety is a normal response to what I am thinking,' or 'what has happened.'
Explanation: Regardless of why you have these feelings, they still hurt. It is accepting to be sorry that you have these feelings, so why not say this to yourself, "I am sorry that I am anxious" or 'sad,' you would say this to a friend, why not become your best friend. If you do want to become a friend to yourself, the real you, you will need to become an observer of you. If you want to embark on this journey of discovery you will need to think in the third party at times.
Think: "I am sorry that happened to you" or "I'm sorry that you have so much to deal with right now." This is not meant to be an apology but recognition that life is not always easy for us, especially when we are making progress.
5. 'I must not make a mistake.'
Change to - 'I would prefer not to make a mistake but I can learn by the mistakes that I make. If I am learning, it is a worthwhile experience.'
Explanation: People who do not make a mistake already know how to do something, they are not learning. Trying to avoid making mistakes is costly, we procrastinate, wasting time and energy. People who achieve little make few mistakes. Achievers learn how to become successful from their experiences.
7. Whenever you find yourself being judgmental with yourself or others.
Change to - 'It is human to........ .............. .................'
Explanation: Insert anything you like here. For example, "It's human to repeat mistakes but gradually I will learn." This takes the sting out of the situation and of course is much more realistic.
8. Feeling lonely in the world, things not going your way?
Change to - 'I am going to give myself the love, kindness, and support I deserve right now, I am my best friend.'
Explanation: This response is self empowering and does not rely on stimulants, over eating and other destructive behaviour which usually anaesthetizes the pain.
9. When life does not go our way and we are feeling down with destructive comments in our mind.
Change to - 'It's normal for life not to be perfect. I can be frustrated by that. I will give myself kindness when life gets tough.'
10. When we have reached that point where we are unable to see a way forward and feel all is lost.
Change to - 'What is the best thing I can do right now, regardless of what's gone before?' Now sit and listen to the answers that come to you.
Explanation: This allows you permission to do what's best for you now. Please include care for yourself, regardless of the part that you have played within this scenario.
11. Tomorrow is a new day.
When we are at the end of a difficult day and sleep is elusive.
Change to - 'What five great things happened today?'
Explanation: Now think of five things that you are grateful for and realise how thankful you are for them.
Explanation: You have probably done the best that you could within your skill set and if not, what would you do differently next time. Convert today into a learning opportunity.
Hypnotherapy Can Help You

Originally Practised
Alexandra Ward
Woking Community & Mental Health Hospital
Relocating To
Hillview Medical Centre
Current Main Practice
New Leaf
Hypnotherapy Clinic
West Byfleet
What is Self Compassion
And How Do I Apply
Self Acceptance Is A Good Place To Start.
You Were Not Designed To Be Perfect.
So Love Yourself For Who You Are.
Yes Just As You Are.
Now You Will Make Progress.

Love cannot be found,
it has not been lost.
The ability to love and be loved is learned internally.
Both come from within.
Self - Compassion can
teach us the skills to
love and understand
how it feels to be
loved whilst feeling self
A Quick Note
Self-care can cause feelings of guilt about those who are suffering, just remember they don't have to suffer and it is not your job to save everyone.
Focusing on the basics of health and wellness increases people's capacity to care for others. Sleep, exercise, hydration, balanced diet.
Social support is paramount, friends and loving relationships are important to our species.
A Guide:
• Self-compassion is part art and part science. Feel free to tweak any of the wordings to whatever soothes you more. Especially, try to simplify the phrases. I have offered a broader perspective so that the rationale behind the rational statements are clear. Please do simplify and shorten them.
• Write comments on post it notes. Put them in places where you will see them. In my corporate career I had daily, weekly and monthly goals attached to the phone, in a drawer, on the mirror and on the dashboard of my car. Not suggesting this is a healthy obsession but I was successfully driven.
• If you have children, try adapting these into versions you can use with your children. You will gain more practice with the phrases this way, eventually this will become your natural response. You can do the same if you have employees, students, friends or clients that you are supporting.
Releasing more compassion into the world is a good thing you will enjoy the rewards.
• Try recording yourself making rational statements and playing the recording back as meditation for yourself.
• Someone else's compassionate language will not necessarily speak to you. Take time to experiment to find the language and tone that feels right for you. You will know when you have the right approach because you will experience instant relief.

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I felt comfortable and relaxed with Esther throughout the interview. I left knowing that the Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy was the right choice for me to develop my new career. Wayne SCCP graduate
Thank you the SCCP, I can honestly say the SCCP courses are fun, entertaining and informative, having studied with another college before finding the SCCP it was immediately apparent to me that these guys really knew their stuff, James has more than thirty five years experience to bring to the subject, which brought the lectures alive. Christine, SCCP graduate.
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