Hypnotherapy Surrey

Students Page 

Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma Course   Please note: this facility is not part of the course as offered in the terms & conditions.  This support is offered subject to the discretion of the SCCP and as so remains non negotiable.  The links to these videos are only available to students who complete their course fees within the due date.  Please respect the privacy of those brave enough to share their concerns with us over this weekend, which is why sharing in any form is prohibited.  These videos will only be available until the next month training videos are published.  All recorded information remains the property of the SCCP as protected by © copyright. 

The Feasibility of Possibility 
With some clients we have to introduce the concept of a possibility. Thankfully clients who do not think they can change, or do not want to change generally do not contact us. This is only a problem when the therapist does not believe in change.  
PERMA is a model of well-being that stands for Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. It was developed by Dr. Martin Seligman and is based on the idea that focusing on these five elements can help people live more fulfilling lives