Hypnotherapy Surrey

Join Mar 22nd & 23rd 2025  Introduction To Hypnotherapy Weekend  Please Follow This Link   

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The SCCP Lightening Transformation Process  Your Next Hypnotherapy Course Starts Mar 22nd & 23rd 2025. Start Your New Career. Book Today 

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to really make a difference in the world? 
To Avoid Disappointment Book Your Place Today 
Held At The University Of Surrey 
Scroll Down To Book Your Place 
To Learn More About This Unique Weekend Click Here 
Your Lecturer Has Forty Years Clinical Experience To Bring To This Weekend 
Hi, my name is James Golding, over the last forty years I have developed a unique way of working which will help your clients take back control over their lives. 
Over this period of time I have developed this course to help you make a difference to others lives. 
Why is this course so different? 
To find out more about this very different ten month course 
Hypnotherapy Training
To find out more about this very different ten month course 
Hypnotherapy Diploma

Hypnotherapy Is A Form Of Therapy That Uses Hypnosis To Help People Address Their Issues And   Achieve Their Goals. 

During a hypnotherapy session, the therapist moves the client into a trance like state by guiding them through relaxation techniques and using suggestion and visualization. 
This introduction to hypnotherapy weekend will provide an introduction to the principles and techniques of hypnotherapy. Participants will learn how to induce hypnosis, how to develop rapport with clients, and how to use suggestion and visualization to help clients achieve their goals. 
The Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma course will cover the history of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, as well as the scientific basis for the practice. Participants will also have the opportunity to practice inducing hypnosis and using suggestion and visualization techniques in a safe and supportive environment. 
By the end of the course, participants will have an understanding of hypnotherapy and be able to use the therapeutic techniques learned, to help themselves and others. On successful completion of the Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma course, delegates will have gained an Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, ADCH, with a further six qualification, seven qualifications in total. 
For the attended Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma Course Curriculum & Dates, please follow this LINK.  
For the sychronised live online Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma Course Curriculum & Dates, please follow this LINK.  
To Reserve your place on the first weekend please follow this LINK  
A Wall Street Journal  
predicted that hypnotherapy will be one of the top career choices for 2024 
James Describes This Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma As  
"Beyond A Hypnosis Course" 
There is no one approach that will work with every body 
There is no one approach that will answer a persons life time needs 
This course, offers you the ability to work with your client's issues and gain the ability to work with each individual client by understanding your clients personality profile. 
This course is not just about how to hypnotise your client, this is a relatively easy skill to learn, hypnotising your client will not change your client. 
What You Say And Do Whilst Your Client Is Hypnotised Will Help Your Client To Change. 
This course will teach you how to work with the client's issues. 
This Is Not Just A  
Hypnotherapy, NLP, EMDR, EFT, Positive Psychology, Behavioural Science, Rapid Solution Therapy, Lightening Transformational or Gestalt Course. 
And You Gain Six Qualifications With The Surrey College Of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Course 
We Spend A Great Deal Of Time And Effort Working Throughout Our Lives 
So many people waste a lifetime just earning a living in unsatisfying careers. 
Here is your chance to take those first steps to making a real difference to your and others lives.  
Make That Change Today! 
Complete the form below and leave the rest to us. 
Accredited By 
The National Council For Hypnotherapy 
The Hypnotherapy Association 
The National Society Of Psychotherapists 
The Quality Of Training Is Recognised By The CNHC 
To Read More About The Dignity Of This Course 

Here's Everything You Get  When You Join  The Surrey College Of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy  Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma  Training Course. 

120 experiential face to face training hours 
Full access and support to a further 330 study hours 
Access to extensive recorded live therapy durring training. 
A Complete printed month by month course manual. 
Access to dedicated Facebook groups for up to date support. 
Peer group practice & supervision facilities. 
Dedicated student support service for email contact. 
Access to a growing international community established since 1996. 
Annual Conferences 
Opportunity to belong to an exclusive alumni membership. 
Seven qualifications 
Training with the originator of the course, not previous graduates of the course. 
Through the BEST Group: 
Bespoke on line marketing support to help promote your practice. 
For more information about the BEST Group please follow this LINK.  
We Have Fun Training 
Hypnotherapy Career Become A Hypnotherapist
Venue University Of Surrey 
Hypnotherapy Qualified accredited courses run at the university of surrey Hypnotherapy University of Surrey
Training Therapists since 1996 
the best Hypnotherapy training in the uk
For an Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma

Hypnotherapy Training in Surrey  Booking Form  Apply Today 

This application should be completed after reading our latest information on Dates, Prices and Course Suitability. Once you have read these, simply complete the form below and click on the "Send" button.  
Personal Details 
Reasons for taking selected course 
Please enter brief career details to date 
Please enter relevant experience or qualifications if any 
By attending the SCCP courses you are agreeing to the SCCP course suitability terms please Click Here to Read 

