The Need For Attachment Addictions & Depression
Many of the covid restrictions have now been lifted however, the restrictions that we have endured have caused many mental health problems.
Whilst our own personal style of attachment can be traced back to our formative years, for most of us there is a strong desire to connect within close relationships and yet a lack of attachment defines modern life.
Many find this lack of attachment difficult to discuss for fear of sounding weak or in need.
However, there are so many social pressures within our current existence, from the marketing of products, career goals, ownership and the change in marriage and relationships and of course the covid restrictions that distance us from the attachments that we need to remain psychologically healthy.
This lack of profound connection with others is considered to be a leading cause of depression. We have underestimated the extent that human beings crave and desire this connection, to our cost.
We have become scientific, thinkers and moved away from being humanistic and feelings, the modern answer to this issue is pharmacy and medication, the fundamental humane response is connection and meaning to others and not drug dependency.
Meaningful attachments do not only enrich our lives, we are physically, mentally and psychologically healthier with supportive connections, we live longer and they are core to our very survival.
The challenges that we have experienced over the last couple of years have been undeniable proof of this basic requirement to our species across the age spectrum, to connect with others.
Acknowledging that the stimulant or addictive behaviour is often an errant support or replacement for attachment, the need to connect and be unconditionally accepted by another is a basic need that the brain searches for and looks for a replacement for, if not found.
Nothing can replace the power of positive human connection and eventually when the client acknowledges this, the healing begins. We all need a reminder that we are at our best when we gain a meaningful connection with others.
AA is not the only respected organisation that acknowledges this.
Without this sense of attachment relationships fail.
Paradoxically it is difficult to gain a sense of attachment without a connection to self. Here Gary Craig comes to mind with EFT, 'I completely love and accept myself for who I am.'
Hypnotherapy though adds to the power of this approach, with the understanding that the connection to self, self acceptance and belonging to those around us, is a seed that germinates early in life.
Hypnotherapy helps us to nurture this ability of self acceptance, which is not generally present with addictions.
To gain the ability to develop attachments and deep connections, we need to connect deeply with ourselves, allowing meaningful and sustaining connections with others, whether romantic, friendships, or ties in the community.
We would like to invite you to this weekend, helping all to understand our powerful minds addictive nature as it searches for connection. Marketing agencies are using this understanding ruthlessly, the gambling and drinks industry are exploiting these theories and the addictive drive to connect and be accepted has sold many cars.
To Contact James or The Surrey College of Clinical Hypnotherapy And Psychotherapy For Hypnotherapy And Psychotherapy In Surrey At Any Time Tel: 01932 341055 If we are with a client in the practice, please leave your name and number.
Email: If you would like further information on any of the services we provide, please contact us. We will not spam you or share your details with third parties.
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